Genericons Font

Genericons Font
Font: Genericons
Free - GNU GPL  
PC / Web
TTF, Webfont
Genericons are vector icons embedded in a webfont designed to be clean and simple keeping with a generic aesthetic. Use for instant HiDPI or to easily change colors on the fly.

Options Genericons Font

Font color

Font size



Try your own text

Change the headertext if you like. Click on copied icons to select and DEL or right-click to remove or drag them to another position.



No 3D effect
3D effect 1
3D effect 2
3D effect 3



Click any icon to copy it to the editable area.


Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  404  activity  anchor  aside  attachment  audio  bold  book  bug  cart  category  chat  checkmark  close  close-alt  cloud  cloud-download  cloud-upload  code  codepen  cog  collapse  comment  day  digg  document  dot  downarrow  download  draggable  dribbble  dropbox  dropdown  dropdown-left  edit  ellipsis  expand  external  facebook  facebook-alt  fastforward  feed  flag  flickr  foursquare  fullscreen  gallery  github  googleplus  googleplus-alt  handset  heart  help  hide  hierarchy  home  image  info  instagram  italic  key  leftarrow  link  linkedin  linkedin-alt  location  lock  mail  maximize  menu  microphone  minimize  minus  month  move  next  notice  paintbrush  path  pause  phone  picture  pinned  pinterest  pinterest-alt  play  plugin  plus  pocket  polldaddy  portfolio  previous  print  quote  rating-empty  rating-full  rating-half  reddit  refresh  reply  reply-alt  reply-single  rewind  rightarrow  search  send-to-phone  send-to-tablet  share  show  shuffle  sitemap  skip-ahead  skip-back  skype  spam  spotify  standard  star  status  stop  stumbleupon  subscribe  subscribed  summary  tablet  tag  time  top  trash  tumblr  twitch  twitter  unapprove  unsubscribe  unzoom  uparrow  user  video  videocamera  vimeo  warning  website  week  wordpress  xpost  youtube  zoom


Download Genericons Icon Font

By downloading you agree to:
  1. the General Terms of Use and Disclaimer
  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: GNU-GPL License

For more information on the Genericons font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.