SimplytheBest Scripts


ChatGPT Text and Speech Converter

Processes text using ChatGPT API and outputs audio with the speech generated from the input text or takes an audio file and transcribes the spoken wo ...

PHP Serialize and Unserialize Values

This package can serialize and unserialize variable values with a given handler class. It supports serialization multiple formats like JSON or Array.


Dynamic Search Bar

A dynamic search bar script, to display or hide a search box at a time by clicking a text link or image. You can include many search forms in the sam ...

Bootstrap Lightbox

A lightbox module for Bootstrap that supports images, YouTube & Vimeo videos, mixed galleries. Supports remote content, data-remote, hidden e ...

Image Rotation

A sequential image rotation script. The images will refresh every set amount of seconds.

STB Bootstrap Contact Form

By: Jason
This contact form uses jQuery and Bootstrap to deliver a nice user experience.

Nicely styled CSS lists

A collection of nice stylish CSS lists.

THE Ultimate Htaccess

This is not an introduction to .htaccess. This is the evolution of the best of the best. You've come to the right place if you are looking to acquire ...


SimplytheBest Timelines Collection

Timelines are a great way to visualize processes.

SimplytheBest Vue Code Snippets Collection

A SimplytheBest collection of Vue code snippets. We think it will give you a good idea of the possibilities of this new upcoming Ajax framework, and ...

Character Counter

With this script you limit the number of characters allowed in an input box or textarea. The script counts and displays the number of characters with ...


A jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically resized, slideshow capable background image to any page or element.

SimplytheBest SVG Effects Collection

Some great effects can be created using SVG.

jQuery Listbox Database Update

This solution helps you to use listboxes in multiple records and to update the database using Ajax when the selection of a listbox changes. Thereafte ...