JustVector Font

JustVector Font
Font: JustVector
Author: Sergio Díaz
Free - Free Art License  
PC / Web
TTF, Webfont
Social icons as Webfont designed with simplicity in mind. If you prefer vector format, download the original set from Alex Peattie at http://alexpeattie.com/projects/justvector_icons/.

Options JustVector Font

Font color

Font size



Try your own text

Change the headertext if you like. Click on copied icons to select and DEL or right-click to remove or drag them to another position.



No 3D effect
3D effect 1
3D effect 2
3D effect 3



Click any icon to copy it to the editable area.


Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  aim  aim_alt  amazon  app_store  apple  arto  aws  baidu  basecamp  bebo  behance  bing  blip  blogger  bnter  brightkite  cinch  cloudapp  coroflot  creative_commons  dailybooth  delicious  designbump  designfloat  designmoo  deviantart  digg  digg_alt  diigo  dribbble  dropbox  drupal  dzone  ebay  ember  etsy  evernote  facebook  facebook_alt  facebook_places  facto-me  feedburner  flickr  folkd  formspring  forrst  foursquare  friendfeed  friendster  gdgt  github  github_alt  goodreads  google  google_buzz  google_talk  gowalla  gowalla_alt  grooveshark  hacker_news  hype_machine  hyves  icq  identi-ca  instapaper  itunes  kik  krop  last-fm  linkedin  linkedin_alt  livejournal  lovedsgn  meetup  metacafe  ming  mister_wong  mixx  mixx_alt  mobileme  msn_messenger  myspace  myspace_alt  newsvine  official-fm  openid  orkut  pandora  path  paypal  photobucket  picasa  picassa  pinboard-in  ping  pingchat  playstation  plixi  plurk  podcast  posterous  qik  quik  quora  rdio  readernaut  reddit  retweet  robo-to  rss  scribd  sharethis  simplenote  skype  slashdot  slideshare  smugmug  soundcloud  spotify  squarespace  squidoo  steam  stumbleupon  technorati  threewords-me  tribe-net  tripit  tumblr  twitter  twitter_alt  vcard  viddler  vimeo  virb  w3  whatsapp  wikipedia  windows  wists  wordpress  wordpress_alt  xing  yahoo-  yahoo-_buzz  yahoo-_messenger  yelp  youtube  youtube_alt  zerply  zootool  zynga


Download JustVector Icon Font

By downloading you agree to:
  1. the General Terms of Use and Disclaimer
  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: Free Art License

For more information on the JustVector font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.