Elusive Icons Font

Elusive Icons Font
Font: Elusive Icons
Author: Redux
Free - SIL OFL  
PC / Web
TTF, Webfont
Elusive Icons is a pictographic language of web-related actions with 304 icons. Vector based, screen reader compatible, infinite scalability and full CSS control.

Options Elusive Icons Font

Font color

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Try your own text

Change the headertext if you like. Click on copied icons to select and DEL or right-click to remove or drag them to another position.



No 3D effect
3D effect 1
3D effect 2
3D effect 3



Click any icon to copy it to the editable area.


Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  address-book-alt  address-book  adjust-alt  adjust  adult  align-center  align-justify  align-left  align-right  arrow-down  arrow-left  arrow-right  arrow-up  asl  asterisk  backward  ban-circle  barcode  behance  bell  blind  blogger  bold  book  bookmark-empty  bookmark  braille  briefcase  broom  brush  bulb  bullhorn  calendar-sign  calendar  camera  car  caret-down  caret-left  caret-right  caret-up  cc  certificate  check-empty  check  chevron-down  chevron-left  chevron-right  chevron-up  child  circle-arrow-down  circle-arrow-left  circle-arrow-right  circle-arrow-up  cloud-alt  cloud  cog-alt  cog  cogs  comment-alt  comment  compass-alt  compass  credit-card  css  dashboard  delicious  deviantart  digg  download-alt  download  dribbble  edit  eject  envelope-alt  envelope  error-alt  error  eur  exclamation-sign  eye-close  eye-open  facebook  facetime-video  fast-backward  fast-forward  female  file-alt  file-edit-alt  file-edit  file-new-alt  file-new  file  film  filter  fire  flag-alt  flag  flickr  folder-close  folder-open  folder-sign  folder  font  fontsize  fork  forward-alt  forward  foursquare  friendfeed-rect  friendfeed  fullscreen  gbp  gift  github-text  github  glass  glasses  globe-alt  globe  googleplus  graph-alt  graph  group-alt  group  guidedog  hand-down  hand-left  hand-right  hand-up  hdd  headphones  hearing-impaired  heart-alt  heart-empty  heart  home-alt  home  hourglass  idea-alt  idea  inbox-alt  inbox-box  inbox  indent-left  indent-right  info-circle  instagram  iphone-home  italic  key  laptop-alt  laptop  lastfm  leaf  lines  link  linkedin  list-alt  list  livejournal  lock-alt  lock  magic  magnet  male  map-marker-alt  map-marker  mic-alt  mic  minus-sign  minus  move  music  myspace  network  off  ok-circle  ok-sign  ok  opensource  paper-clip-alt  paper-clip  path  pause-alt  pause  pencil-alt  pencil  person  phone-alt  phone  photo-alt  photo  picasa  picture  pinterest  plane  play-alt  play-circle  play  plurk-alt  plurk  plus-sign  plus  podcast  print  puzzle  qrcode  question-sign  question  quote-alt  quote-right-alt  quote-right  quotes  random  record  reddit  redux  refresh  remove-circle  remove-sign  remove  repeat-alt  repeat  resize-full  resize-horizontal  resize-small  resize-vertical  return-key  retweet  reverse-alt  road  rss  scissors  screen-alt  screen  screenshot  search-alt  search  share-alt  share  shopping-cart-sign  shopping-cart  signal  skype  slideshare  smiley-alt  smiley  soundcloud  speaker  spotify  stackoverflow  star-alt  star-empty  star  step-backward  step-forward  stop-alt  stop  stumbleupon  tag  tags  tasks  text-height  text-width  th-large  th-list  th  thumbs-down  thumbs-up  time-alt  time  tint  torso  trash-alt  trash  tumblr  twitter  universal-access  unlock-alt  unlock  upload  usd  user  viadeo  video-alt  video-chat  video  view-mode  vimeo  vkontakte  volume-down  volume-off  volume-up  w3c  warning-sign  website-alt  website  wheelchair  wordpress  wrench-alt  wrench  youtube  zoom-in  zoom-out


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  1. the General Terms of Use and Disclaimer
  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: SIL Open Font License

For more information on the Elusive Icons font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.