Octicons Font

Octicons Font
Font: Octicons
Author: Github
Free - SIL OFL  
PC / Web
TTF, OTF, Webfont
Your project. GitHub's icons.

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Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  alert  arrow-down  arrow-left  arrow-right  arrow-small-down  arrow-small-left  arrow-small-right  arrow-small-up  arrow-up  microscope  beaker  bell  bold  book  bookmark  briefcase  broadcast  browser  bug  calendar  check  checklist  chevron-down  chevron-left  chevron-right  chevron-up  circle-slash  circuit-board  clippy  clock  cloud-download  cloud-upload  code  color-mode  comment-add  comment  comment-discussion  credit-card  dash  dashboard  database  clone  desktop-download  device-camera  device-camera-video  device-desktop  device-mobile  diff  diff-added  diff-ignored  diff-modified  diff-removed  diff-renamed  ellipsis  eye-unwatch  eye-watch  eye  file-binary  file-code  file-directory  file-media  file-pdf  file-submodule  file-symlink-directory  file-symlink-file  file-text  file-zip  flame  fold  gear  gift  gist  gist-secret  git-branch-create  git-branch-delete  git-branch  git-commit  git-compare  git-merge  git-pull-request-abandoned  git-pull-request  globe  graph  heart  history  home  horizontal-rule  hubot  inbox  info  issue-closed  issue-opened  issue-reopened  italic  jersey  key  keyboard  law  light-bulb  link  link-external  list-ordered  list-unordered  location  gist-private  mirror-private  git-fork-private  lock  logo-gist  logo-github  mail  mail-read  mail-reply  mark-github  markdown  megaphone  mention  milestone  mirror-public  mirror  mortar-board  mute  no-newline  octoface  organization  package  paintcan  pencil  person-add  person-follow  person  pin  plug  repo-create  gist-new  file-directory-create  file-add  plus  primitive-dot  primitive-square  pulse  question  quote  radio-tower  repo-delete  repo  repo-clone  repo-force-push  gist-fork  repo-forked  repo-pull  repo-push  rocket  rss  ruby  search-save  search  server  settings  shield  log-in  sign-in  log-out  sign-out  squirrel  star-add  star-delete  star  stop  repo-sync  sync  tag-remove  tag-add  tag  tasklist  telescope  terminal  text-size  three-bars  thumbsdown  thumbsup  tools  trashcan  triangle-down  triangle-left  triangle-right  triangle-up  unfold  unmute  versions  watch  remove-close  x  zap


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  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: SIL Open Font License

For more information on the Octicons font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.