Typicons Font

Typicons Font
Font: Typicons
Free - SIL OFL  
PC / Web
TTF, Webfont
Typicons are free-to-use vector icons embedded in a webfont for easy use in your user interfaces, whether it be on the web or in a native application.

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Click any icon to copy it to the editable area.


Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  adjust-brightness  adjust-contrast  anchor-outline  anchor  archive  arrow-back-outline  arrow-back  arrow-down-outline  arrow-down-thick  arrow-down  arrow-forward-outline  arrow-forward  arrow-left-outline  arrow-left-thick  arrow-left  arrow-loop-outline  arrow-loop  arrow-maximise-outline  arrow-maximise  arrow-minimise-outline  arrow-minimise  arrow-move-outline  arrow-move  arrow-repeat-outline  arrow-repeat  arrow-right-outline  arrow-right-thick  arrow-right  arrow-shuffle  arrow-sorted-down  arrow-sorted-up  arrow-sync-outline  arrow-sync  arrow-unsorted  arrow-up-outline  arrow-up-thick  arrow-up  at  attachment-outline  attachment  backspace-outline  backspace  battery-charge  battery-full  battery-high  battery-low  battery-mid  beaker  beer  bell  book  bookmark  briefcase  brush  business-card  calculator  calendar-outline  calendar  camera-outline  camera  cancel-outline  cancel  chart-area-outline  chart-area  chart-bar-outline  chart-bar  chart-line-outline  chart-line  chart-pie-outline  chart-pie  chevron-left-outline  chevron-left  chevron-right-outline  chevron-right  clipboard  cloud-storage  cloud-storage-outline  code-outline  code  coffee  cog-outline  cog  compass  contacts  credit-card  css3  database  delete-outline  delete  device-desktop  device-laptop  device-phone  device-tablet  directions  divide-outline  divide  document-add  document-delete  document-text  document  download-outline  download  dropbox  edit  eject-outline  eject  equals-outline  equals  export-outline  export  eye-outline  eye  feather  film  filter  flag-outline  flag  flash-outline  flash  flow-children  flow-merge  flow-parallel  flow-switch  folder-add  folder-delete  folder-open  folder  gift  globe-outline  globe  group-outline  group  headphones  heart-full-outline  heart-half-outline  heart-outline  heart  home-outline  home  html5  image-outline  image  infinity-outline  infinity  info-large-outline  info-large  info-outline  info  input-checked-outline  input-checked  key-outline  key  keyboard  leaf  lightbulb  link-outline  link  location-arrow-outline  location-arrow  location-outline  location  lock-closed-outline  lock-closed  lock-open-outline  lock-open  mail  map  media-eject-outline  media-eject  media-fast-forward-outline  media-fast-forward  media-pause-outline  media-pause  media-play-outline  media-play-reverse-outline  media-play-reverse  media-play  media-record-outline  media-record  media-rewind-outline  media-rewind  media-stop-outline  media-stop  message-typing  message  messages  microphone-outline  microphone  minus-outline  minus  mortar-board  news  notes-outline  notes  pen  pencil  phone-outline  phone  pi-outline  pi  pin-outline  pin  pipette  plane-outline  plane  plug  plus-outline  plus  point-of-interest-outline  point-of-interest  power-outline  power  printer  puzzle-outline  puzzle  radar-outline  radar  refresh-outline  refresh  rss-outline  rss  scissors-outline  scissors  shopping-bag  shopping-cart  social-at-circular  social-dribbble-circular  social-dribbble  social-facebook-circular  social-facebook  social-flickr-circular  social-flickr  social-github-circular  social-github  social-google-plus-circular  social-google-plus  social-instagram-circular  social-instagram  social-last-fm-circular  social-last-fm  social-linkedin-circular  social-linkedin  social-pinterest-circular  social-pinterest  social-skype-outline  social-skype  social-tumbler-circular  social-tumbler  social-twitter-circular  social-twitter  social-vimeo-circular  social-vimeo  social-youtube-circular  social-youtube  sort-alphabetically-outline  sort-alphabetically  sort-numerically-outline  sort-numerically  spanner-outline  spanner  spiral  star-full-outline  star-half-outline  star-half  star-outline  star  starburst-outline  starburst  stopwatch  support  tabs-outline  tag  tags  th-large-outline  th-large  th-list-outline  th-list  th-menu-outline  th-menu  th-small-outline  th-small  thermometer  thumbs-down  thumbs-ok  thumbs-up  tick-outline  tick  ticket  time  times-outline  times  trash  tree  upload-outline  upload  user-add-outline  user-add  user-delete-outline  user-delete  user-outline  user  vendor-android  vendor-apple  vendor-microsoft  video-outline  video  volume-down  volume-mute  volume-up  volume  warning-outline  warning  watch  waves-outline  waves  weather-cloudy  weather-downpour  weather-night  weather-partly-sunny  weather-shower  weather-snow  weather-stormy  weather-sunny  weather-windy-cloudy  weather-windy  wi-fi-outline  wi-fi  wine  world-outline  world  zoom-in-outline  zoom-in  zoom-out-outline  zoom-out  zoom-outline  zoom


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  1. the General Terms of Use and Disclaimer
  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: SIL Open Font License

For more information on the Typicons font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.