Iconic Font

Iconic Font
Font: Iconic
Author: P.J. Onori
Free - SIL OFL  
PC / Web
TTF, Webfont
An open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formats. Bootstrap and Foundation ready.

Options Iconic Font

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Try your own text

Change the headertext if you like. Click on copied icons to select and DEL or right-click to remove or drag them to another position.



No 3D effect
3D effect 1
3D effect 2
3D effect 3



Click any icon to copy it to the editable area.


Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  account-login  account-logout  action-redo  action-undo  align-center  align-left  align-right  aperture  arrow-bottom  arrow-circle-bottom  arrow-circle-left  arrow-circle-right  arrow-circle-top  arrow-left  arrow-right  arrow-thick-bottom  arrow-thick-left  arrow-thick-right  arrow-thick-top  arrow-top  audio-spectrum  audio  badge  ban  bar-chart  basket  battery-empty  battery-full  beaker  bell  bluetooth  bold  bolt  book  bookmark  box  briefcase  british-pound  browser  brush  bug  bullhorn  calculator  calendar  camera-slr  caret-bottom  caret-left  caret-right  caret-top  cart  chat  check  chevron-bottom  chevron-left  chevron-right  chevron-top  circle-check  circle-x  clipboard  clock  cloud-download  cloud-upload  cloud  cloudy  code  cog  collapse-down  collapse-left  collapse-right  collapse-up  command  comment-square  compass  contrast  copywriting  credit-card  crop  dashboard  data-transfer-download  data-transfer-upload  delete  dial  document  dollar  double-quote-sans-left  double-quote-sans-right  double-quote-serif-left  double-quote-serif-right  droplet  eject  elevator  ellipses  envelope-closed  envelope-open  euro  excerpt  expand-down  expand-left  expand-right  expand-up  external-link  eye  eyedropper  file  fire  flag  flash  folder  fork  fullscreen-enter  fullscreen-exit  globe  graph  grid-four-up  grid-three-up  grid-two-up  hard-drive  header  headphones  heart  home  image  inbox  infinity  info  italic  justify-center  justify-left  justify-right  key  laptop  layers  lightbulb  link-broken  link-intact  list-rich  list  location  lock-locked  lock-unlocked  loop-circular  loop-square  loop  magnifying-glass  map-marker  map  media-pause  media-play  media-record  media-skip-backward  media-skip-forward  media-step-backward  media-step-forward  media-stop  medical-cross  menu  microphone  minus  monitor  moon  move  musical-note  paperclip  pencil  people  person  phone  pie-chart  pin  play-circle  plus  power-standby  print  project  pulse  puzzle-piece  question-mark  rain  random  reload  resize-both  resize-height  resize-width  rss-alt  rss  script  share-boxed  share  shield  signal  signpost  sort-ascending  sort-descending  spreadsheet  star  sun  tablet  tag  tags  target  task  terminal  text  thumb-down  thumb-up  timer  transfer  trash  underline  vertical-align-bottom  vertical-align-center  vertical-align-top  video  volume-high  volume-low  volume-off  warning  wifi  wrench  x  yen  zoom-in  zoom-out


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  1. the General Terms of Use and Disclaimer
  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: SIL Open Font License

For more information on the Iconic font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.