MFG Labs Font

MFG Labs Font
Font: MFG Labs
Author: MFG Labs
Free - SIL OFL  
PC / Web
TTF, Webfont
Designed to be easily embeddable on a website or application using a webfont and CSS.

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Try your own text

Change the headertext if you like. Click on copied icons to select and DEL or right-click to remove or drag them to another position.



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3D effect 1
3D effect 2
3D effect 3



Click any icon to copy it to the editable area.


Click any icon to copy it to the Preview box under the Preview tab.
  cloud  at  plus  minus  arrow_up  arrow_down  arrow_right  arrow_left  chevron_down  chevron_up  chevron_right  chevron_left  reorder  list  reorder_square  reorder_square_line  coverflow  coverflow_line  pause  play  step_forward  step_backward  fast_forward  fast_backward  cloud_upload  cloud_download  data_science  data_science_black  globe  globe_black  math_ico  math  math_black  paperplane_ico  paperplane  paperplane_black  color_balance  star  star_half  star_empty  star_half_empty  reload  heart  heart_broken  hashtag  reply  retweet  signin  signout  download  upload  placepin  display_screen  tablet  smartphone  connected_object  lock  unlock  camera  isight  video_camera  random  message  discussion  calendar  ringbell  movie  mail  pen  settings  measure  vector  vector_pen  mute_on  mute_off  home  sheet  arrow_big_right  arrow_big_left  arrow_big_down  arrow_big_up  dribbble_circle  dribbble  facebook_circle  facebook  git_circle_alt  git_circle  git  octopus  twitter_circle  twitter  google_plus_circle  google_plus  linked_in_circle  linked_in  instagram  instagram_circle  mfg_icon  xing  xing_circle  mfg_icon_circle  user  user_male  user_female  users  file_open  file_close  file_alt  file_close_alt  attachment  check  cross_mark  cancel_circle  check_circle  magnifying  inbox  clock  stopwatch  hourglass  trophy  unlock_alt  lock_alt  arrow_doubled_right  arrow_doubled_left  arrow_doubled_down  arrow_doubled_up  link  warning  warning_alt  magnifying_plus  magnifying_minus  white_question  black_question  stop  share  eye  trash_can  hard_drive  information_black  information_white  printer  letter  soundcloud  soundcloud_circle  anchor  female_sign  male_sign  joystick  high_voltage  fire  newspaper  chart  spread  spinner_1  spinner_2  chart_alt  label  brush  refresh  node  node_2  node_3  link_2_nodes  link_3_nodes  link_loop_nodes  node_size  node_color  layout_directed  layout_radial  layout_hierarchical  node_link_direction  node_link_short_path  node_cluster  display_graph  node_link_weight  more_node_links  node_shape  node_icon  node_text  node_link_text  node_link_color  node_link_shape  credit_card  disconnect  graph  new_user


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  1. the General Terms of Use and Disclaimer
  2. the General Fonts License Agreement
  3. any license agreement as issued by the author: SIL Open Font License

For more information on the MFG Labs font or the author, click here.

All icons are trademarks of their respective owners.