SimplytheBest Scripts




A powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics such as detailed backlink analyses, keyword and traffic statistics, web ...


A jQuery HTML Content Slider with horizontal, vertical and fade transitions, display and move multiple slides at once (carousel), prev / next, pager, ...

Extract random MySQL records in PHP

To extract a random record from f.e. a MySQL table you can use this sample PHP code to get you going. The snippet uses rand() to generate a random nu ...

Paragraph Highlighting

Use this simple script to highlight a paragraph, a sentence or a word.


A cyber security solution for WordPress with anti-virus, firewall including two factor authentication, machine learning and tools to help recover fro ...

Character Counter

With this script you limit the number of characters allowed in an input box or textarea. The script counts and displays the number of characters with ...


SimplytheBest CSS Button Effects Collection

All button effects and animations we include in this page are available for free, so feel free to use them as you please.


A CSV importer and exporter for WordPress featuring import, export all your posts and pages to CSV, add and remove tags/categories, manage custom fie ...

Character Counter

With this script you limit the number of characters allowed in an input box or textarea. The script counts and displays the number of characters with ...

SimplytheBest SVG Effects Collection

Some great effects can be created using SVG.


A modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile ...


A jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically resized, slideshow capable background image to any page or element.