SimplytheBest Editor Scripts

The simply the best collection of editor scripts

wysihtml5 By: XING
Free MIT

An open source rich text editor based on HTML5 technology and the progressive-enhancement approach. It uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles.

CodeMirror By: CodeMirror
Free MIT

A versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser. It is specialized for editing code, and comes with a number of language modes and addons that implement more advanced editing functionality.

51   3511
Grid Editor By: Frontwise
Free MIT

A visual JavaScript editor for the Bootstrap grid system, written as a jQuery plugin. It comes with support for TinyMCE, CKEditor and summernote.

37   3439
Bootstrap-wysiwyg By: MindMup
Free MIT

This tiny (5KB, < 200 lines) jQuery Bootstrap plugin turns any DIV into a WYSIWYG rich-content editor. Drag and drop files to insert images, support image upload (also taking photos on mobile devices). Custom built toolbar. Supports mobile devices.

163   3130
Summernote By: Alan Hong
Free MIT

Easy WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap. Integrates with any back-end technology such as node.js, PHP, etc.

51   2885
markItUp! By: Jay Salvat

A JavaScript jQuery plugin turns any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki syntax, Markdown, BBcode or your own markup system can be implemented.

32   2847
Whizzywig By: John Goodman

A cross-browser WYSIWYG editor that offers text formatting, image and link insertion, tables and a fully tailorable toolbar.

151   2783
Emmet plugin for textarea By: Sergey Chikuyonok
Free MIT

Emmet plugin to create a code editor in a HTML textarea.

29   2782
Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress By: Filip Stefansson
Free MIT

This plugin creates a simple, out of the way button just above the editor which pops up the plugin's documentation and shortcode examples for reference and handy "Insert Example" links to send the example shortcodes straight to the editor.

39   2766
Handsontable By: Marcin Warpechowski
Free MIT

Minimalistic spreadsheet-like data grid editor that provides copy/paste functionality compatible with Excel/Google Docs.

144   2674