SimplytheBest News Cartoons

Cartoons intended to make you think and maybe chuckle a little -:)

Sunny: Make my day!

Sunny: Make my day!

Am I not Sexy?

 630 Image source: Pixabay
My phone?

"Is it my phone or their phone?"

 1054 Image source: Pixabay
Safe Software

"Is it safe???"

 664 Image source: Pixabay
Easy to use bankcard

 616 Image source: Pexels
Mad Scientist

"I'm not mad, am I?"

 642 Image source: Pixabay
Bank robbery

"Better bank regulations anyone?"

 583 Image source: Pixabay
Revamped lemon skin

 1101 Image source: Pixabay
Modern slavery


 1976 Image source: Pixabay

Unless otherwise indicated, images used are either original creations, from a creative commons library or from Pixabay.

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