SimplytheBest Most Popular Developer Items

The simply the best collection of popular scripts

A jQuery plugin that allows you to create a streaming Twitter feed using the new REST API.

fullPage.js By: Álvaro Trigo
Free MIT

Create beautiful fullscreen scrolling Websites. Fits to different screen sizes as well as tablet and mobile devices.

Flexisel By: 9bitStudios
Free MIT

A responsive image carousel with options specifically for adapting the carousel for mobile and tablet devices.

Slick By: Ken Wheeler
Free MIT

Responsive swipe enabled carousel with features such as infinite looping, arrow key navigation, autoplay, dots, arrows, callbacks, filtering and more.

Browserify By: James Halliday
Free Open Source

Browserify lets you require(modules) in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies.

How to join results from one MySQL table while counting matching records in another table and sorting the result according to the count of the 2nd table using PHP.

OpenLayers By: OpenLayers
Free BSD-2

A high-performance feature-packed library for all your mapping needs. Pull tiles from OSM, Bing, MapBox, Stamen, MapQuest and any other XYZ source. Render vector data from GeoJSON, TopoJSON, KML, GML, and more. Map rendering leverages WebGL, Canvas 2D, and HTML5.

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All button effects and animations we include in this page are available for free, so feel free to use them as you please.

dcrypt By: mmeyer2k
Free MIT

A petite library of essential encryption functions for PHP 5.3 - 7.1. Block ciphers, stream ciphers, Rivest's ciphers, key derivation, time-safe string comparison and secure random byte generation.

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After a set amount of time a dialog is shown to the user with the option to either log out or stay connected with appropriate actions.