The simply the best collection of popular scripts
From simple to sophisticated, Grav open source CMS has the flexibility to power all sorts of web sites. Flexible content structure and powerful Twig templating allow easy realization of any design.
CalendR is an object oriented Calendar management library on top of PHP5.3+ Date objects. Use it to deal with all your needs for calendars and events.
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you to quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. Features a HTTP router, PSR-7 support, and dependency injection.
gridscrolling.js takes care of layouting, by giving you a clear path thru the mains, and the easy option to dig in the asides if wanted. If no JS, degrades with style.
Lightweight server management software that simplifies the effort of managing your hosting platform.
Nice downward compatible touchable jQuery dial UX controls (dial, XY pad, bars) using mouse click and wheel, keyboard (on focus) and touch events.
A standardized, organized, object-oriented foundation for building high-quality WordPress plugins.
Bitcoin is a powerful peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. This free plugin is for integration with WooCommerce.
Websites that correctly use animation as you scroll down the page just feel pro. You can add AOS to your WordPress theme.
A utility library that generates HTML embed tags for audio or video located on a given URL. It also parses and validates given media URLs. It currently works with 160+ services.