Pheditor By: Hamid Samak
Free MIT

Pheditor is a single-file, free and open-source file manager and editor serving on web. It can be used as source code editor with features such as syntax highlighting, file history and file managing operations.

Elefant CMS By: Aband*nthecar
Free MIT

Elefant CMS provides a modern, minimalist user interface that eliminates clutter and confusion, with a site editor that gets out of your way and is a pleasure to use.

ReactPHP By: ReactPHP
Free MIT

ReactPHP is a low-level library for event-driven programming in PHP. At its core is an event loop, on top of which it provides low-level utilities, such as: Streams abstraction, async DNS resolver, network client/server, HTTP client/server and interaction with processes. Third-party libraries can use these components to create async network clients/servers and more.

Slim By: Slim Framework
Free MIT

Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you to quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. Features a HTTP router, PSR-7 support, and dependency injection.

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Psalm By: Vimeo
Free MIT Open source

Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications.

It can take an object with functions that define the parameters of the backup to be processed, like the interval period between each backup, the database backup file pattern, the database connection, and a function to call when a backup process succeeds. The package will automatically execute the backup process at the defined periods.

This package can convert the records of a database table to JSON. It provides an example script that connects to a MySQL database server using the MySQLi extension. The script executes a SQL query to retrieve all rows of a database table into an array, and then it outputs the array as a JSON string that serves as the content of the current HTTP request.

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This package can generate an RSS feed and gallery for audio files. It can traverse a server-side directory containing audio files and generate an RSS feed with the list of files. The package can also generate HTML to display the list of audio files in a gallery Web page. If the package finds images for each audio file in the scanned directory, it may display them on the gallery Web page and the RSS feed.

This package provides an example API that performs CRUD operations. It shows how to register routes for the API URLs so specific controller classes can handle the requests. The package can run the API by processing the HTTP requests to the registered endpoint URLs and generating API call responses using view scripts. Uses PHP 7.0+ with PDO drivers enabled for: MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0+ for spatial features in MySQL.

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PHP Chat Application with API: Exchange user messages on a page or using an API. It provides an application to let users send messages that can be viewed by other users who can also reply.

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