The simply the best collection of admin scripts
Free admin template that includes many pages and examples based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.x.
Luya is a scalable web framework and content management system. It provides an integrated deployment process that lets you publish your projects to different stages and servers. Needs composer and uses the Yii 2 PHP Framework.
A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap 3 free for both personal and commercial use.
A Laravel admin panel for managing users, roles, permissions and CRUD.
A database client working via the browser. Simple, intuitive and easy database admin tool for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and CUBRID.
Skins the Django administration panel, adding support for a Twitter Bootstrap-powered template.
An object-oriented PHP framework for building interactive Web User Interfaces. Outputs valid HTML/JS using semantic UI CSS framework. Includes 10+ components (CRUD, grid, form, menu, paginator and many more), Admin layout, Centered layout, 5+ automated form field types, full integration with jQuery and various plugins. Works with SQL, NoSQL and/or RestAPI.
Allows WordPress admins to manage unactivated users, by activating them manually, deleting their pending registrations, or resending the activation email.
Generate a complete backend from a MySql database programmed with the Silex framework.