SimplytheBest JQuery plugins

The simply the best collection of jQuery plugins

A jQuery plugin for doing supercool scroll animations.

A Bootstrap 3 optimized advanced responsive color selector with color swatches and support for human perceived lightness. Works in all modern browsers and on touch devices.

Smooth Div Scroll By: Thomas Kahn
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that scrolls content horizontally left or right. Use touch, hot spots, mouse wheel or auto scrolling. Or combinations of these.

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Toastr By: CodeSeven
Free MIT

A Javascript library for non-blocking toast notifications.

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Retina.js By: Imulus
Free MIT

An open source script that makes it easy to serve high resolution images to devices with retina displays.

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jPanelMenu By: Anthony Colangelo
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that creates a paneled-style menu.

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TinyMCE By: TinyMCE

A platform independent Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor released as Open Source under LGPL. TinyMCE has the ability to convert HTML textarea fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. Also available as jQuery plugin.

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jQuery Hotkeys By: John Resig
Free MIT

A plugin that lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.

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Handsontable By: Marcin Warpechowski
Free MIT

Minimalistic spreadsheet-like data grid editor that provides copy/paste functionality compatible with Excel/Google Docs.

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jQuery slimScroll By: Piotr Rochala

A small jQuery plugin that transforms any DIV into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar. User can drag the scrollbar or use the mouse-wheel to change the scroll value.

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