SimplytheBest Modal Scripts

The simply the best collection of modal scripts

Make the use of Bootstrap 3 Modal more monkey friendly.

Vex By: Adam Schwartz
Free MIT

A modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily styleable and gets out of the way. It's 6kb minified, has a simple API, works on mobile devices and can be customized to match your style.

Featherlight By: Noël Bossart
Free MIT

A lightbox that is responsive, supports images, Ajax and iframes out of the box and that you can adapt to your needs.

51   2848
Bootstrap Confirm Delete By: Tom Kaczocha
Free MIT

Bootstrap confirm delete modal dialog that intercepts the delete event on configured page elements.

25   2459
jQuery Popup Overlay By: Vast Engineering
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin for responsive and accessible modal windows and tooltips.

22   2150
iziModal By: Marcelo Dolce
Free Apache 2.0

An elegant, responsive, flexible, animated, customizable, lightweight modal plugin that supports all modern browsers.

29   2010
mt-popup-plugin By: mthabsheer

A jQuery plugin that shows an animated responsive dialog modal window.

26   1958
eModal for Bootstrap By: Samuel Pinto
Free MIT

eModal is an easy way to manage modal dialogs using Bootstrap. Display a modal for alert, ajax, prompt, confirm or iframe.

35   1876
Saturn Pop By: J.P. Malloy

A light weight JavaScript popup cq modal interface.

25   1794