SimplytheBest Plugins

The simply the best collection of plugins

Vide By: Ilya Caulfield
Free MIT

Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.

Overscroll By: Jonathan Azoff
Free MIT

A jQuery Plugin and polyfill for mobile Safari's overflow-scrolling style. It is intended for use on desktop browsers.

jQuery Wheelzoom By: Jack Moore
Free MIT

A plugin to zoom IMG elements on mousewheel or touchpad scroll for mobile devices. Replaces an img background-image with its src.

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jquery-bootstrap-scrolling-tabs By: Mike Jacobson
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin to make Bootstrap 3 tabs scroll horizontally instead of wrapping on smaller screens.

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TouchSwipe By: Matt Bryson
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin for touch devices. Detects single and multiple finger swipes, pinches and falls back to mouse drags on the desktop. Time and distance thresholds can be set to distinguish between swipe gesture and slow drag. Allows exclusion of child elements (interactive elements) and allows page scrolling or page zooming depending on configuration.

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waitForImages By: Alexander Dickson
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that lets you attach callbacks to useful image loading events.

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jQuery Bootpag By: botmonster
Free MIT

A dynamic pagination jQuery plugin that works well with Bootstrap 3.03 or as standalone.

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Tocify By: Greg Franko
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Optionally provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending and forward and back button support.

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Facebox By: Chris Wanstrath
Free MIT

A jQuery based Facebook-style lightbox which can display images, divs or remote pages.

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Gritter By: Jordan Boesch
Free MIT

A notification bubble/popup that appears in the window.

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