The simply the best collection of CSS
Use CSS3 transitions and CSS2 pseudo-elements to create an animated navigation ribbon with minimal markup.
An easy jQuery plugin with 58 CSS animated page transitions.
A modern HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. It precisely targets only the styles that need normalizing.
A little workaround to create a better jQuery stylesheet switcher.
An object-oriented PHP framework for building interactive Web User Interfaces. Outputs valid HTML/JS using semantic UI CSS framework. Includes 10+ components (CRUD, grid, form, menu, paginator and many more), Admin layout, Centered layout, 5+ automated form field types, full integration with jQuery and various plugins. Works with SQL, NoSQL and/or RestAPI.
Easily add angled edges with CSS masks and transforms.
Simplified CSS generation, live previews and a lot more make building themes using the WordPress Customizer easier than ever using Kirki.
Social sign-in buttons made in pure CSS based on Bootstrap and FontAwesome.