SimplytheBest PHP Scripts

The simply the best collection of PHP scripts

Psalm By: Vimeo
Free MIT Open source

Psalm is a static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications.

This package provides an example API that performs CRUD operations. It shows how to register routes for the API URLs so specific controller classes can handle the requests. The package can run the API by processing the HTTP requests to the registered endpoint URLs and generating API call responses using view scripts. Uses PHP 7.0+ with PDO drivers enabled for: MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0+ for spatial features in MySQL.

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MySQLi Database table to JSON By: Ahmad Al Mulla

This package can convert the records of a database table to JSON. It provides an example script that connects to a MySQL database server using the MySQLi extension. The script executes a SQL query to retrieve all rows of a database table into an array, and then it outputs the array as a JSON string that serves as the content of the current HTTP request.

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PHP Chat Application By: Faris Al Otabi

PHP Chat Application with API: Exchange user messages on a page or using an API. It provides an application to let users send messages that can be viewed by other users who can also reply.

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Ala PHP API Micro-Framework By: Leonardo Di Sarli

Generate base code for API using a query builder. It uses the Lumen package and the query builder to generate base code for an API that implements simple CRUD operations automatically. The package also generates code to implement unit and feature testing.

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Uploady By: Faris Al Otabi
Free MIT

Uploady is a file uploader script with multi file upload support. It comes with more than 20 features and you can set up it in less than 5 minutes. And it is free and open source.

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API Framework By: Faris Al Otabi
Free MIT

Want to create an API with PHP? Use this API Framework.

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PHP CRUD Application By: Rodrigo Faustino
Free MIT/X

Create a simple CRUD application. The class provides a base class that can access a MySQL database using the MySQLi extension. Several CRUD classes use the base class to execute SQL queries to perform several CRUD operations.

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Manually Backup A Wordpress Site By: Olaf Lederer
Free MIT/X

This PHP package can backup and restore your WordPress website. It works independently from the WordPress site itself. If the WordPress site fails, this tool can be used to restore the WordPress database and files.

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Div PHP Matrix Library By: Rafa Rodriguez
Free GNU

Define matrices with dynamic cell calculations. The package offers flexibility in matrix manipulation, enabling dynamic calculations and providing diverse output options for ease of integration into various applications. Matrix cells support dynamic calculations based on other cells, allowing changes to trigger a recalculation of dependent cells automatically.

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