SimplytheBest PHP Scripts

The simply the best collection of PHP scripts

GWTdata By: Stephan Schmitz
Free Apache v2

A PHP class to download website data from Google Webmaster Tools as CSV files.

137   2271

Easily integrate Content-Security-Policy headers into your web application, either from a JSON configuration file or programatically.

41   2173
October By: October
Free MIT

October is a free open-source self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.

40   2167
Useful PHP scripts and functions By: Tazo Todua
Free MIT

A collection of useful PHP scripts and functions. They are all designed to be copy-and-paste-able into your current framework.

45   2079
Flash Uploader By: Solmetra
Free GPL

File uploaded that displays a neat progress indicator, does many file verification routines (filetype, max size) on client-side and offers many visualization options including custom animations, colors and backgrounds, fallback compatibility, multilingual instances and a JavaScript API.

325   2060
UserFrosting By: UserFrosting
Free MIT Open Source

UserFrosting is a PHP web framework that offers a complete toolbox of programmatic components for building your application and includes a fully functioning user management application.

136   2051
ImageGal By: Dasme
Free CCL

A simple PHP script that will automagically create a JS/CSS/DHTML powered image gallery when dropped into a directory containing images.

334   2034
PHP JsonQ By: Nahid Bin Azhar
Free CC0 1.0

JsonQ is a simple, elegant PHP package to Query over any type of JSON Data. It will make your life easier by giving the flavor of an ORM-like query on your JSON.

48   2008
PHP Classes Repository By: Icontem

Get the latest news from the PHP world, the latest security vulnerability reports, and summaries and downloads of the latest PHP classes. The repository is a way of distributing freely available programming classes of objects written in PHP.

155   2001
Google Calendar PHP By: Abe Yang
Free MIT

A framework that takes in the XML file generated by Google Calendar and makes it PHP friendly. There are hooks that allow developers to loop through and generate their own themes outputting the necessary HTML.

26   1985