SimplytheBest Twitter Scripts

The simply the best collection of Twitter scripts

A complete date/time picker based on Twitter Bootstrap.

A plugin for Twitter Bootstrap that provides rulesets for visually displaying the quality of a user's typed in password.

Bootstrap Dual Listbox By: István Ujj Mészáros
Free Apache v2

A responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. Works on all modern browsers and on touch devices.

60   4295
Metis - Twitter Bootstrap Admin Template By: Osman Nuri Okumus

Free admin template that includes many pages and examples based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.x.

54   3258
Hovercard By: Prashant Chaudhary

A free light weight jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link or any element of your choice. Smoothly fades the name into a hovered card. Built in Twitter and Facebook hovercard.

103   3256
EasyTabs By: Steve Schwartz

A lightweight jQuery plugin to provide full tab functionality, while leaving the styling up to you. Also works with Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery UI themeroller themes.

188   3194
Bootstrap Calendar By: Sergey Romanov
Free MIT

A full view template based calendar for Twitter Bootstrap.

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Date Range Picker By: Dan Grossman
Free MIT

A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges designed to work with the Twitter Bootstrap framework. A webpage element can pop up 2 calendars for selecting dates, times or from predefined ranges.

43   3092
Twitter Post Fetcher By: Jason Mayes
Free MIT

Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript.

23   2853
Fuel UX By: ExactTarget
Free MIT

Extends Twitter Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls. Easy to install, customize, update, and optimize.

262   2555