The simply the best collection of form scripts
A jQuery-based plugin for Twitter Bootstrap used to style select file fields of forms.
Extends Twitter Bootstrap with additional lightweight JavaScript controls. Easy to install, customize, update, and optimize.
Waveform is a class to generate waveform images from audio files. You can combine it with jPlayer to make a style MP3 player.
Converts HTML forms into JavaScript objects. Adds the method serializeObject to jQuery to perform complex form serialization into JavaScript objects.
A jQuery plugin enabling localStorage to retain form values across page loads.
A file uploader with multiple file selection, drag/drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
Script that shows and hides form fields based on user actions.
An object-oriented PHP framework for building interactive Web User Interfaces. Outputs valid HTML/JS using semantic UI CSS framework. Includes 10+ components (CRUD, grid, form, menu, paginator and many more), Admin layout, Centered layout, 5+ automated form field types, full integration with jQuery and various plugins. Works with SQL, NoSQL and/or RestAPI.
Uses the HTML5 required and pattern attributes to do validation when the browser does not support these features.
Super customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery and Zepto with 32 options, 11 callbacks and 9 methods.