SimplytheBest Zepto Scripts

The simply the best collection of Zepto scripts

Zepto By: Thomas Fuchs
Free MIT

A minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery compatible API.

379   6552

Lity is an ultra lightweight and responsive lightbox plugin that supports images, iframes and inline content out of the box.

Oh Snap! By: Justin Domingue
Free MIT

A simple notification jQuery/Zepto library designed to be used in mobile apps.

147   2392
Unveil.js By: Luís Almeida
Free MIT

A lightweight plugin to lazy load images for jQuery or Zepto. Images outside of the viewport will not be loaded until the user scrolls to them.

138   2102
iCheck By: Damir Sultanov
Free MIT

Super customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery and Zepto with 32 options, 11 callbacks and 9 methods.

141   2014