SimplytheBest JQuery plugins

The simply the best collection of jQuery plugins

A very robust jQuery-based slider plugin. All HTML content, scroll horizontally or vertically, multiple sliders, themes, infinite/continuous sliding, animations and more.

Jssor By: Jssor
Free MIT

A touch swipe responsive image slider carousel with 360+ JS slideshow effects and 30+ jQuery examples. Great for image, thumbnail or content slider carousel, fade slideshow, full width, nested, listed, grid, banner or vertical slider, slider cluster, image gallery, etc.

jQuery.ScrollTo By: Ariel Flesler

A small, customizable plugin for scrolling elements, or the window itself.

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DropzoneJS By: Matias Meno
Free MIT

An open source library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews. Dropzone will find all form elements with the class dropzone, automatically attach itself to it, and upload files dropped into it to the specified action attribute. jQuery plugin is optional.

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Hovercard By: Prashant Chaudhary

A free light weight jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link or any element of your choice. Smoothly fades the name into a hovered card. Built in Twitter and Facebook hovercard.

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Smooth Scroll By: Karl Swedberg
Free MIT

Automatically make same page links scroll smoothly.

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VenoBox By: Nicola Franchini
Free MIT

Responsive jQuery lightbox plugin suitable for images, inline content, iframes, Google maps, Ajax, Vimeo and YouTube videos.

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TipTip jQuery Plugin By: Drew Wilson

Uses the title attribute to display a tooltip above, below, to the left or to the right of the element. It's lightweight and is completely customizable via CSS.

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jQuery++ By: Bitovi
Free MIT

A MIT licensed collection of extremely useful DOM helpers and special events for jQuery 1.8+ providing low-level utilities for things that jQuery doesn't support.

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Grid Editor By: Frontwise
Free MIT

A visual JavaScript editor for the Bootstrap grid system, written as a jQuery plugin. It comes with support for TinyMCE, CKEditor and summernote.

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