SimplytheBest JQuery plugins

The simply the best collection of jQuery plugins

A jQuery plugin using Bootstrap to add a month calendar to your web page. You can customize the display of the calendar, view it in several languages and show calendar events by using an AJAX request with JSON data and add a legend.

Transit By: Rico Sta. Cruz
Free MIT

Super smooth CSS transitions and transformations for jQuery.

Bootstrap-wysiwyg By: MindMup
Free MIT

This tiny (5KB, < 200 lines) jQuery Bootstrap plugin turns any DIV into a WYSIWYG rich-content editor. Drag and drop files to insert images, support image upload (also taking photos on mobile devices). Custom built toolbar. Supports mobile devices.

163   3121
jQuery Sparklines By: Gareth Watts
Free BSD

This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline or via JavaScript. The plugin is compatible with most modern browsers.

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Classie By: David DeSandro
Free MIT

A tiny JavaScript that helps with CSS class functions.

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MediaElement.js By: John Dyer
Free MIT

HTML5 audio and video player in pure HTML and CSS.

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jquery.charcounter By: Arturo Fernandez
Free GPL

Simple jQuery plugin for creating a character counter for textareas and text inputs.

150   3071
Jeditable By: Mika Tuupola

Edit in place plugin for jQuery. With a few lines of JavaScript code you can click and edit the content of different HTML elements.

288   3058
Flippy By: Guilhem Marty
Free MIT

A cross-browser flip effect plugin for jQuery which allows you to flip (left, right, top, bottom and revert) whichever HTML element you want. Supports RGBA colors. Works for every modern web browser (IE 8+).

163   3057
Bootstrap Sortable By: Matús Brlit
Free MIT

Adds sorting ability to HTML tables with Bootstrap styling. Sorting is provided by TinySort and date parsing provided by moment.js.

122   3039