SimplytheBest Management Scripts

The simply the best collection of management scripts

FullCalendar By: Adam Shaw
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar. Fetches events on-the-fly for each month and is easily configured to use your own feed format. An extension is also provided for Google Calendar. It is customizable and exposes hooks for user-triggered events (like clicking or dragging an event).

phpList By: phpList
Free AGPLv3

Fully functional open source email marketing manager for creating, sending, integrating and analysing email campaigns and newsletters. It includes analytics, segmentation, content personalisation, bounce processing, plugin-based architecture, and multiple APIs.

Bootstrap Calendar By: Sergey Romanov
Free MIT

A full view template based calendar for Twitter Bootstrap.

61   3420
ProcessWire CMS By: Ryan Cramer Design LLC
Free MPL 2.0

ProcessWire is a free PHP content management system and framework (open source CMS/CMF). It provides a powerful template system, an open source jQuery-inspired API and built-in user management. Lots of modules readily available.

27   3198
PufferPanel By: PufferPanel
Free Open Source

PufferPanel is a web-based Game Server Management System. PufferPanel allows you to manage multiple different game servers all from one central location. You can give other users their own servers or allow them access to your servers.

35   3192
Luya By: Zephir Software Design AG
Free MIT

Luya is a scalable web framework and content management system. It provides an integrated deployment process that lets you publish your projects to different stages and servers. Needs composer and uses the Yii 2 PHP Framework.

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Cockpit By: Agentejo
Free Open Source

A simple but powerful headless CMS that is built around an API-first and JSON content approach. Use SQLite or MongoDB for data storage.

21   2627
October By: October
Free MIT

October is a free open-source self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework.

40   2606
UserFrosting By: UserFrosting
Free MIT Open Source

UserFrosting is a PHP web framework that offers a complete toolbox of programmatic components for building your application and includes a fully functioning user management application.

136   2470
Fusio By: Christoph Kappestein
Free AGPL v3

Fusio is an open source API management platform that helps to build and manage RESTful APIs. It can connect to many different databases, message queue systems and internal web services.

77   2250