SimplytheBest Query Scripts

The simply the best collection of query scripts

Easy to use off-canvas navigation menu for Bootstrap. It uses Bootstrap classes and markup to create an off-canvas menu for mobile devices.

A jQuery plugin that scrolls content horizontally left or right. Use touch, hot spots, mouse wheel or auto scrolling. Or combinations of these.

Masonry By: David DeSandro
Free MIT

A JavaScript grid layout library that works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. Works standalone or as a jQuery plugin.

A pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery, with a focus on simple usage, attractive looks and interactive features.

Bootstrap Strength Meter By: David Stutz
Free BSD-3 Clause

Bootstrap Strength Meter uses Password Score to give a realistic estimate of the strength of a password.

A Bootstrap 3 optimized advanced responsive color selector with color swatches and support for human perceived lightness. Works in all modern browsers and on touch devices.

A GUI implementation of jPlayer that lets you listen to MP3/M4A/OGG files using HTML5 or Flash as a fallback.

Minimalistic spreadsheet-like data grid editor that provides copy/paste functionality compatible with Excel/Google Docs.

A jQuery plugin to equalize heights of multiple elements on a page.

A tiny but fabulous color picker built on jQuery, also works with Bootstrap 3.