SimplytheBest Query Scripts

The simply the best collection of query scripts

A highly configurable jQuery autocomplete plugin. It supports local and remote data sets (JSON, XML and plain text), uses Ajax method calls, allows to search, sort and match the response phrase.

This jQuery plugin can be used to generate forms with inputs that can be repeated if the user wants to add multiple values for the same input, as well remove any values that are not meant to be submitted.

jQuery handleStorage By: Jason Gerfen
Free GNU

A jQuery plug-in that can save form data in cookies, local or session storage. It can take the values of a given form input and save them in several types of storage containers. It supports session storage, local storage and cookies for non-HTML 5 compliant browsers. It also supports encrypting the saved form data with AES encryption and load previously saved values from the container.

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MySQLi Database table to JSON By: Ahmad Al Mulla

This package can convert the records of a database table to JSON. It provides an example script that connects to a MySQL database server using the MySQLi extension. The script executes a SQL query to retrieve all rows of a database table into an array, and then it outputs the array as a JSON string that serves as the content of the current HTTP request.

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Ala PHP API Micro-Framework By: Leonardo Di Sarli

Generate base code for API using a query builder. It uses the Lumen package and the query builder to generate base code for an API that implements simple CRUD operations automatically. The package also generates code to implement unit and feature testing.

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Guzzle By: Michael Dowling
Free MIT

Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services. Simple interface for building query strings, POST requests, streaming large uploads, streaming large downloads, using HTTP cookies, uploading JSON data, etc... Uses PSR-7 interfaces for requests, responses, and streams. Can send both synchronous and asynchronous requests using the same interface.

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On Laravel Eloquent Query Builder By: Unay Santisteban
Free MIT

Compose criteria queries using Laravel Eloquent. It provides classes that allow developers to compose query conditions based on criteria defined at run-time. The package can build filters that support conditions like IN, NOT IN, CONTAINS, and NOT CONTAINS.

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