SimplytheBest Search Scripts

The simply the best collection of search scripts

A dynamic search bar script, to display or hide a search box at a time by clicking a text link or image. You can include many search forms in the same bar, limiting the length of the table.

349   8336
SEOstats By: Stephan Schmitz
Free MIT Open Source

A powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics such as detailed backlink analyses, keyword and traffic statistics, website trends, page authority, Google Pagerank, the Alexa Trafficrank and much more.

jQuery Searchable By: Stidges
Free MIT

Fast jQuery plugin to search through elements as you type. Provides 3 search types: fuzzy matching, strict (case sensitive) and default (case insensitive) matching. Automatic row striping.

157   3326
Sifter By: Brian Reavis
Free Apache2

A client- and server-side library (via UMD) for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects by property or multiple properties. Designed specifically for autocomplete. The process is 3-step: score, filter, sort. Supports diacritics, smart sorting, multi-field sorting.

169   2687
TNTSearch By: TNT Studio
Free MIT

TNTSearch is a full-text search (FTS) engine written entirely in PHP. A simple configuration allows you to add an amazing search experience in just minutes. Features include fuzzy and boolean search, Bm25 ranking algorithm and more.

147   2602
Filtrify By: Luís Almeida
Free MIT

Beautiful advanced tag filtering with HTML5 and jQuery. Search tags within tags and filter items by multiple tags from different categories.

31   2109
MeiliSearch By: Meili SAS
Free MIT

An open-source search engine solution accessible to everyone, meeting the vast majority of needs, even specific ones. Installable very easily with little or no configuration required but with a high capacity for customization.

31   1691