Place an Ad
Advertising on big channels works. We all know it, and SimplytheBest is pleased that we can offer you a great inexpensive way to get seen. You only pay a monthly subscription and you can cancel it anytime. No long term contracts. Your ad is shown as an STB Specials and listed in its category, and in the search results.
How to place your ad
Before you place your ad, please read the Ad Guidelines below to make sure your type of ad is not mentioned in the list of ads we do not accept. If it isn’t, you’re ready to get started by paying for your subscription. Once you’ve done that, please wait for our confirmation email message and we’ll get your winning classified ad up as soon as possible.
Choose the ad you wish to place
$9.95 p/month subscription
A Standard Ad consists of:
- an image and title on category, tags and search pages.
- an image, title and description with a Read More or [your text] button on the ad details page that brings the visitor to your designated Web site page.
- Image gallery for the details page up to 4 images.
- If the advertised item is an audio file, a player can be added to the item.
- You will also get a listing on Blizbo.
$19.95 p/month subscription
A Premium Ad consists of:
- everything from the Standard Ad.
- If the advertised item is an album, a playlist can be added to the ad details page.
- An image slider can be added to the details page.
- Image gallery for the details page up to 6 images.
- You can showcase a video to the ad details page or you can opt to show your logo in the long description.
- You will also get a listing on Blizbo.
$29.95 p/month subscription
A Super Ad consists of:
- everything from the Premium Ad.
- Your ad will also be shown on the homepage in the Popular Items slider.
- Your ad will also be promoted on our social media channels.
- An image ad with the same message will also be shown throughout the SimplytheBest network.
- You will also get a featured listing on Blizbo.
Ad Guidelines
Upon receipt of your order, we will review your ad to ensure it follows our ad guidelines. Every ad is reviewed before we accept it.
- Any item that could be sold as a Vendor in our Marketplace will not be accepted as an Ad.
- Pornographic, violent or obscene advertisements are not allowed.
- Advertisements must not mislead the reader. They may not mimic or resemble operating system dialogue boxes, error messages, or similar.
- All advertisement offers must match offers made on the landing page.
- Advertisements may not force a dialog, alert, or installation of a plug-in or software of any kind, or require personal information.
- Advertisements may not resemble content including reviews, awards or endorsements.
- Advertisements may not contain graphics that simulate interactivity (f.e., search box, dropdown menu, etc.) without that functionality actually existing.
- Advertisements may not mimic news headlines in design, tone, third person sentence structure, or topic.
- Third party serving of HTML and/or JavaScript code is not allowed.
- Cookies may not be set on the SimplytheBest network.
- Strobing in animated GIFs is not allowed.
Some goods, services, and content we do not accept on the SimplytheBest Marketplace:
- firearms/guns and components; BB/pellet, stun, and spear guns and alike
- ammunition, clips, cartridges, reloading materials, gunpowder, fireworks, and explosives
- offers, solicitation, or facilitation of illegal prostitution and/or sex trafficking
- exploitation or endangerment of minors and child pornography
- recalled items, hazardous materials, body parts/fluids
- prescription drugs, medical devices, controlled substances and related items
- alcohol, tobacco, unpackaged or adulterated food or cosmetics
- animal or animal parts, stud services
- endangered, imperiled and/or protected species and any parts thereof
- false, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent content, bait and switch, keyword spam
- offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, or malicious content
- anyone’s personal, identifying, confidential or proprietary information
- food stamps, WIC vouchers, SNAP or WIC goods, governmental assistance
- stolen property, property with serial number removed/altered, burglary tools, etc..
- ID cards, licenses, police insignia, government documents, birth certificates, etc..
- Any military items
- counterfeit, replica, or pirated items; tickets or gift cards that restrict transfer
- lottery or raffle tickets, sweepstakes entries, slot machines, and gambling items
- spam, wrongly categorized, over-posted, cross-posted content
- network, or multi-level marketing
- any good, service, or content that violates the law or legal rights of others
SimplytheBest has the right to reject any ad that is distracting to the normal reading of page content, does not follow these guidelines, or is not accepted by our editors for whatever reason. SimplytheBest reserves the right to preserve the user experience of its Web sites, and reserves the right to remove any advertisement which is deemed annoying, inappropriate and/or harmful to our users at any time. If any payment was made, SimplytheBest will refund the paid amount minus an administrative fee of $5.