SimplytheBest Most Voted Scripts & Plugins

The simply the best collection of most voted scripts

Adds sorting ability to HTML tables with Bootstrap styling. Sorting is provided by TinySort and date parsing provided by moment.js.

This package makes it simple to add call or SMS verification to your Laravel application.

Swiper By:
Free MIT Open Source

A modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native/hybrid apps. Designed mostly for iOS, but also works great on latest Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern desktop browsers.

MediaEmbed By: Mark Scherer
Free MIT

A utility library that generates HTML embed tags for audio or video located on a given URL. It also parses and validates given media URLs. It currently works with 160+ services.

Metro 4 By: Serhii Pimenov
Free Open Source

An open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components and powerful plugins.

Chartist By: Gion Kunz
Free Open Source

Highly customizable responsive charts that works with inline SVG. Fully responsive and DPI independent. Fully built and customizable with Sass.

Using HTML5 and Flash, SoundManager 2 provides reliable cross-platform audio under a single JavaScript API.

110   2723

A user-friendly navigation menu is one of the most important components of any modern device responsive Web site.

109   1340
Headroom.js By: Nick Williams
Free MIT

A lightweight widget that allows you to react to the user's scroll. The header slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up. It has a pure JS API, plus an optional jQuery/Zepto plugin and AngularJS directive.

105   1930

A free light weight jQuery plugin that enables you to display related information with the hovered label, link or any element of your choice. Smoothly fades the name into a hovered card. Built in Twitter and Facebook hovercard.