SimplytheBest Most Voted Scripts & Plugins

The simply the best collection of most voted scripts

A no-frills chainable interface for constructing mutable MySQL queries procedurally in Node.js.

A lightbox module for Bootstrap that supports images, YouTube & Vimeo videos, mixed galleries. Supports remote content, data-remote, hidden elements and is built around Bootstrap's modal plugin.

An object-oriented PHP framework for building interactive Web User Interfaces. Outputs valid HTML/JS using semantic UI CSS framework. Includes 10+ components (CRUD, grid, form, menu, paginator and many more), Admin layout, Centered layout, 5+ automated form field types, full integration with jQuery and various plugins. Works with SQL, NoSQL and/or RestAPI.

Handesk By: Handesk
Free MIT

Handesk is a modern Laravel based application that has everything you need to get your new project helpdesk and lead management up and running in no time. Multiple teams, Rest API, issue tracker, email polling, and more.

React By: Facebook
Free Open Source

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes.

How to use the Brightcove player using a playlist to supply background videos.

Nivo Lightbox By: Dev7studios
Free MIT

A simple flexible responsive retina-ready jQuery lightbox plugin. It automatically detects the type of content you are trying to show such as images, image galleries, Ajax, Flash, Youtube or Vimeo videos or inline HTML.

Tiny File Manager By: Prasath Mani

A simple, fast and small file manager within a single PHP file. It is also a web code editor. It will run online or locally on Linux, Windows or Mac based platforms.

jCarousel By: Jan Sorgalla
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order. It provides a full-featured and flexible toolset for navigating any HTML based content in a carousel-like fashion.

A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+ that lets you manipulate HTML in a very easy way. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors like jQuery. Supports invalid HTML.

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