The simply the best collection of classes scripts
A JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the users browser. It creates a JavaScript object with the results, and adds classes to the html element for you to key your CSS on.
Easy to use off-canvas navigation menu for Bootstrap. It uses Bootstrap classes and markup to create an off-canvas menu for mobile devices.
A PHP class to download website data from Google Webmaster Tools as CSV files.
Get the latest news from the PHP world, the latest security vulnerability reports, and summaries and downloads of the latest PHP classes. The repository is a way of distributing freely available programming classes of objects written in PHP.
An expressive cross platform JavaScript class provider with a classical interface.
This package provides an example API that performs CRUD operations. It shows how to register routes for the API URLs so specific controller classes can handle the requests. The package can run the API by processing the HTTP requests to the registered endpoint URLs and generating API call responses using view scripts. Uses PHP 7.0+ with PDO drivers enabled for: MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0+ for spatial features in MySQL.
Create a simple CRUD application. The class provides a base class that can access a MySQL database using the MySQLi extension. Several CRUD classes use the base class to execute SQL queries to perform several CRUD operations.