SimplytheBest Mobile Scripts

The simply the best collection of mobile scripts

Vex By: Adam Schwartz
Free MIT

A modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily styleable and gets out of the way. It's 6kb minified, has a simple API, works on mobile devices and can be customized to match your style.

Scrolld.js By: Charles Geiger
Free MIT

A method for highly precise scrolling for pixel-perfect layouts and navigation using real-time updated data values.

Swiper By:
Free MIT Open Source

A modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native/hybrid apps. Designed mostly for iOS, but also works great on latest Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern desktop browsers.

117   2948
Video.js By: Brightcove Inc.
Free Apache2 Open Source

A web video player that supports HTML5 and Flash video, as well as YouTube and Vimeo (through plugins). It supports video playback on desktops and mobile devices.

174   2887
jQuery Mobile By: jQuery Foundation
Free Open Source

jQuery Mobile is a HTML5 based user interface system designed to make responsive web sites and apps that are accessible on all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices.

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Bootstrap Offcanvas By: Phil Hughes
Free MIT

Easy to use off-canvas navigation menu for Bootstrap. It uses Bootstrap classes and markup to create an off-canvas menu for mobile devices.

35   2634
Framework7 By:
Free MIT

Fully featured HTML Framework for building iOS and Android apps.

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jQuery Wheelzoom By: Jack Moore
Free MIT

A plugin to zoom IMG elements on mousewheel or touchpad scroll for mobile devices. Replaces an img background-image with its src.

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Pure By: Yahoo! Inc.
Free Yahoo BSD

A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project. Crafted with mobile devices in mind. Responsive out of the box, so elements look great on all screen sizes. Customize your styles with the Skin Builder to make your style your own. Plays well with other libraries including Bootstrap and jQuery.

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Overscroll By: Jonathan Azoff
Free MIT

A jQuery Plugin and polyfill for mobile Safari's overflow-scrolling style. It is intended for use on desktop browsers.

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