SimplytheBest Plugins

The simply the best collection of plugins

Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.

FormToWizard By: Janko Jovanovic

Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery.

Jquery Adaptive Backgrounds By: Brian Gonzalez
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin to extract the dominant color of an image and apply it to the background of its parent element.

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Hiraku By: appleple Inc.

Hiraku.js is a jQuery offcanvas menu with both right and left side menus and several options.

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Lightbox_me By: Buck Wilson
Free Apache

Lightbox_me uses a dynamic iFrame shim to provide a lightbox and it handles those annoying edge cases that other lightbox solutions do not.

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jQuery Masked Input By: Josh Bush

The masked input plugin allows a user to easily enter fixed width input to enter the data in a certain format (dates, phone numbers, SSN, etc).

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Gutenberg By: WordPress
Free Open Source

The WordPress editor will create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has blocks to make it easy what today takes shortcodes, custom HTML or embed discovery. WordPress 5.0 will use this by default.

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Zoomooz.js By: Janne Aukia

A jQuery plugin to make web page elements zoom. It can be used for making slideshows and for zooming to images or other items.

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Slickhover By: 9bitStudios
Free MIT

A lightweight jQuery plugin that produces a smooth hover effect that fades out images and shows a custom icon when a user hovers over an image.

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gridscrolling.js By: Murat Knecht
Free MIT

gridscrolling.js takes care of layouting, by giving you a clear path thru the mains, and the easy option to dig in the asides if wanted. If no JS, degrades with style.

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