SimplytheBest Query Scripts

The simply the best collection of query scripts

Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.

FormToWizard By: Janko Jovanovic

Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery.

Jquery Adaptive Backgrounds By: Brian Gonzalez
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin to extract the dominant color of an image and apply it to the background of its parent element.

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Hiraku By: appleple Inc.

Hiraku.js is a jQuery offcanvas menu with both right and left side menus and several options.

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Lightbox_me By: Buck Wilson
Free Apache

Lightbox_me uses a dynamic iFrame shim to provide a lightbox and it handles those annoying edge cases that other lightbox solutions do not.

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jQuery Masked Input By: Josh Bush

The masked input plugin allows a user to easily enter fixed width input to enter the data in a certain format (dates, phone numbers, SSN, etc).

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Zoomooz.js By: Janne Aukia

A jQuery plugin to make web page elements zoom. It can be used for making slideshows and for zooming to images or other items.

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Slickhover By: 9bitStudios
Free MIT

A lightweight jQuery plugin that produces a smooth hover effect that fades out images and shows a custom icon when a user hovers over an image.

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gridscrolling.js By: Murat Knecht
Free MIT

gridscrolling.js takes care of layouting, by giving you a clear path thru the mains, and the easy option to dig in the asides if wanted. If no JS, degrades with style.

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jQuery Knob By: Anthony Terrien

Nice downward compatible touchable jQuery dial UX controls (dial, XY pad, bars) using mouse click and wheel, keyboard (on focus) and touch events.

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