SimplytheBest Query Scripts

The simply the best collection of query scripts

Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Also for full-screen images.

fullPage.js By: Álvaro Trigo
Free MIT

Create beautiful fullscreen scrolling Websites. Fits to different screen sizes as well as tablet and mobile devices.

Flexisel By: 9bitStudios
Free MIT

A responsive image carousel with options specifically for adapting the carousel for mobile and tablet devices.

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jQuery Tweet Machine By: Ryan Giglio

A jQuery plugin that allows you to create a streaming Twitter feed using the new REST API.

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jQuery Pagination By: Federico Cargnelutti
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin to paginate any element you want to.

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jQuery Tags Input By: XOXCO

Turn your boring tag list into a magical input that turns each tag into a styleable object with its own delete link. The Tags Input script handles all the data.

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DoubleTapToGo.js By: Osvaldas Valutis
Free MIT

A responsive and touch-friendly dropdown navigation script.

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Camera slideshow By: Manuel Masia
Free MIT

A jQuery slideshow with effects, transitions. Easy to customize, using canvas and mobile ready.

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jQuery Growl By: David Higgins
Free MIT

A Growl like notification plugin for jQuery originally written for jQuery 1.2 and updated for jQuery 1.10+. The latest version comes with a Bootstrap 3 example.

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Fotorama By: Artem Polikarpov
Free MIT

A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery.

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