Professional Financial Models

Leverage the power of a financial model to make tough decisions BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

PlanMagic’s award winning (Best financial planners 2023) financial models help you to visualize your current financial position and predict future financial performance. You should be using PlanMagic’s unique professional financial models at all times. They are made for all your financial planning and monitoring needs. Reduce the risk of how certain courses of action affect your financial situation. Don’t take action without knowing the outcome of such action. Make time to use modelling when you’re about to make an important decision!

Minimum requirements: MS Office Excel 2016+/365

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Professional Affordable Financial Models

PlanMagic’s award winning (Best financial planners 2023) financial models help you to visualize your current financial position and predict future financial performance. You should be using PlanMagic’s unique professional financial models at all times. They are made for all your financial planning and monitoring needs. Reduce the risk of how certain courses of action can affect your financial situation. Don’t take action without knowing the outcome of such action. Make time to use modelling when you’re about to make a big decision!

Use it for decision making, trying different scenarios and definitely use it for ongoing monitoring of your business.

Several financial models are unique and you don’t need to install anything. Just download the financial model file, open it with MS Excel and enter your registered email address and license ID to unlock the workbook.

Now you can do what big companies do!

Special features

    • Easy to use – Use of simple and understandable terms, clearly outlined.
    • Print wizard – Business financial printouts are preformatted in Letter, Legal or A4 paper size.
    • Sales tax – Financials handle US sales tax, VAT, GST or similar calculations.
    • Multiple currency – The financials can use any currency, and you can use the exchange rate multiplier to quickly update all the values.
    • Nothing to install! Download the Excel workbook, open with MS Excel, enter your License ID, and use the magic.

Read all the details and view screenshots of PlanMagic’s Financial Models on the Financial Models Details page