The simply the best collection of popular scripts
A simple notification jQuery/Zepto library designed to be used in mobile apps.
Get the latest news from the PHP world, the latest security vulnerability reports, and summaries and downloads of the latest PHP classes. The repository is a way of distributing freely available programming classes of objects written in PHP.
A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Optionally provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending and forward and back button support.
A simple jQuery pagination plugin with 3 CSS themes and Bootstrap support.
JsonQ is a simple, elegant PHP package to Query over any type of JSON Data. It will make your life easier by giving the flavor of an ORM-like query on your JSON.
From invoicing to expense tracking to accounting, Akaunting has all the tools you need to manage your money online. Apps are not free.
Certbot is an easy-to-use automatic client for Let's Encrypt that fetches and deploys SSL/TLS certificates for your webserver.
Bootsnav is a multi purpose header with navbar based on Bootstrap. You can build any header navbar style in a few minutes.
A notification bubble/popup that appears in the window.
A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps like "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago" from ISO 8601 formatted dates and times embedded in your HTML.