SimplytheBest Most Popular Developer Items

The simply the best collection of popular scripts

SEOstats By: Stephan Schmitz
Free MIT Open Source

A powerful open source PHP library to request a bunch of SEO relevant metrics such as detailed backlink analyses, keyword and traffic statistics, website trends, page authority, Google Pagerank, the Alexa Trafficrank and much more.

bxSlider By: Steven Wanderski

A jQuery HTML Content Slider with horizontal, vertical and fade transitions, display and move multiple slides at once (carousel), prev / next, pager, auto controls, easing transitions, random start, ticker mode, optional styling included. Before, after, first, last, next, prev callback functions. Has tons of options.

Use this simple script to highlight a paragraph, a sentence or a word.

Wordfence By: Feedjit Inc.

A cyber security solution for WordPress with anti-virus, firewall including two factor authentication, machine learning and tools to help recover from a hack.

With this script you limit the number of characters allowed in an input box or textarea. The script counts and displays the number of characters with each keystroke.

This PHP snippet shows you how to generate RSS Feeds from MySQL database records on the fly. Easy and straightforward.

Create editable elements on your page. It can be used with any engine (Bootstrap, jQuery-UI, jQuery only) and includes both popup and inline modes.

PHPOffice By: Mark Baker

Read, write and create spreadsheet documents in PHP using OpenXML. Formats: Excel (BIFF) .xls, Excel 2007 (OfficeOpenXML) .xlsx, CSV, Libre/OpenOffice Calc .ods, Gnumeric, PDF, HTML.

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MultiDialog By: Felix Nagel
Free GPL

MultiDialog utilizes jQuery UI Dialog Widget for a full featured modalbox/lightbox application. Use any jQuery selector or a powerful API, feature-rich, flexible, callback events and easy to extend. Works with images, AJAX content, iframes, Youtube/Vimeo video, inline content and plain HTML.

PHP snippet to connect to a MySQL database using a file for the connection and an include statement in the page needing to connect.