SimplytheBest Most Popular Developer Items

The simply the best collection of popular scripts

A responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. Works on all modern browsers and on touch devices.

Fixed menus that will slide out from the sides of the page and in case of the right and left side optionally move the body.

A Bootstrap 3 CSS megamenu add-on that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes of Bootstrap 3. You can include almost any HTML element.

XDate By: Adam Shaw

A thin wrapper around JavaScript's native Date object that provides enhanced functionality for parsing, formatting and manipulating dates. It implements the same methods as the native Date.

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Fancytree By: Martin Wendt
Free MIT

A JavaScript dynamic tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, tables, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading.

Latte By: David Grudl
Free BSD-3

A complete PHP templating system that supports creating layouts, blocks, template inheritance, autoescaping, and more useful stuff.

jQuery UI Autocomplete By: jQuery Foundation
Free MIT

Enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering.

A jQuery plugin that is used to create AJAX based CRUD tables without coding HTML or Javascript.

Sequence.js By: Ian Lunn Design
Free MIT Open Source

Responsive slider with advanced CSS3 transitions. Using just HTML and CSS, Sequence allows you to create your own responsive slider with unique transitional styles. Over 40 transition options.

Nivo Slider By: Dev7studios
Free MIT

Display your gallery of images a beautiful experience by using transition effects ranging from slicing and sliding to fading and folding.

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