SimplytheBest Most Voted Scripts & Plugins

The simply the best collection of most voted scripts

jQuery Hotkeys By: John Resig
Free MIT

A plugin that lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.

xCharts By: tenXer Inc.

A JavaScript library for building beautiful and custom data-driven chart visualizations using D3.js. Using HTML, CSS and SVG, xCharts are designed to be dynamic, fluid and open to integrations and customization.

Tocify By: Greg Franko
Free MIT

A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Optionally provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending and forward and back button support.

A jQuery plugin to give advanced easing options.

Backstretch By: Scott Robbin

A jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically resized, slideshow capable background image to any page or element.

jQuery Bootpag By: botmonster
Free MIT

A dynamic pagination jQuery plugin that works well with Bootstrap 3.03 or as standalone.

A Growl like notification plugin for jQuery originally written for jQuery 1.2 and updated for jQuery 1.10+. The latest version comes with a Bootstrap 3 example.

TNTSearch By: TNT Studio
Free MIT

TNTSearch is a full-text search (FTS) engine written entirely in PHP. A simple configuration allows you to add an amazing search experience in just minutes. Features include fuzzy and boolean search, Bm25 ranking algorithm and more.

Oh Snap! By: Justin Domingue
Free MIT

A simple notification jQuery/Zepto library designed to be used in mobile apps.

Use CSS3 transitions and CSS2 pseudo-elements to create an animated navigation ribbon with minimal markup.

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